Richard Prince’s show, American Prayer, which recently opened at, what shouldn’t appear so unlikely a location, the National Library (Bibliotheque Nationale) in Paris, includes, among other works, this work – and a self-professed Beat bibliophile fetish theme. Go here for videos of the show and of the artist. (Richard, incidentally, was, at one time, during the ’80’s, a downstairs neighbor (in Allen’s building on East 12th Street), (which, just conceivably, might be memorialized here, and is certainly – “My landlord informed me that I was moving in next to Allen Ginsberg” – recollected here). Poets Simon Pettet, John Godfrey, Larry Fagin, Richard Hell, Greg Masters, Lorna Smedman, amongst others, still reside in this (NYC, East Village) building.
The latest issue (Volume 5, issue 1 – April 2011) of The Beat Review, “a review of new Beat scholarship and other Beat works”, put out by the Beat Studies Association, is now up. We would draw your attention to Marc Olmstead’s review of the Peter Conners Ginsberg-Leary book, but there’s plenty there, besides, to get your teeth into. And check-out the back issues too. We’d recommend from the previous issue (December 2010) Kurt Hemmer’s review of the Howl movie, Jonah Raskin‘s reviews of the Letters ( June 2010 – Kerouac/Ginsberg); January 2009 (Ginsberg/Snyder).
September 2010 features a review, (by Tom Pynn), of The Typewriter is Holy. Another review of Bill Morgan’s simultaneous chronological history of the Beat Generation can be read here. “I’ve been having entirely too much fun lately with The Typewriter is Holy: The Complete Uncensored History of the Beat Generation by Bill Morgan”, writes the author, Ben Steelman. Not a bad opening!
Big movie news! – Yes, more Beat movies! – Barry Miles’ book on The Beat Hotel has just been optioned by producer Pamela Dickerson as a narrative feature film. Here is the press release. Rex Weiner has come on board as co-producer. The press-release speaks of a “stylistic bi-lingual cultural reve (rave?)”. We shall see.
David Cope, who we mentioned last week, is profiled here. Lawrence Ferlinghetti may be 92 but he’s still happy to speak to the Scottish Big Issue [link, sadly, no longer accessible] Speaking of Scotland, Ginsberg-enthusiast Claire Askew, is already eye-ing June 3rd, Allen’s upcoming birthday. What are your plans for June 3rd?& speaking of birthdays, thought you all might like to know (or be reminded) today is Bessie Smith‘s birthday.