
Beatdom #19, 2019

Beatdom #23 – the most recent issue

Last week we put a spotlight on Kevin Ring’s estimable press and magazine, Beat Scene. Today we put the spotlight on another (the other) equally exemplary Beat endeavor coming out of the UK, David S Wills’ Beatdom

23 issues so far. Founded in May 2007, Beatdom is a (mostly) annual literary journal. Each issue tackles a topic (such as religion or politics, the most recent was ecology) and explores the Beat Generation through that particular lens.

Issues #24, #25, and #26 have just been announced.  #24 (expected pub. date, May 2024) will be “The West Coast Beat Scene”, #25 (October 2025, timed to coincide with the 60th anniversary of the famous Six Gallery Reading) will focus on “The San Francisco Renaissance) and Beatdom #26  (expected pub. date, June 2026) will be an Allen Ginsberg Centennial Special (yes, Allen’s Centennial ever-imminent, less than three years away)

And Beatdom #27? – That year (2027) will mark the 20th anniversary of Beatdom’s founding, “”(and) so we may put together a special edition for that particular landmark”, the editors declare.

For further details – see  here

Since 2010, Beatdom have also published  a significant number of vital and important books related to the Beat Generation, most notably, four Allen Ginsberg titles, one of which is Wills’ own  World Citizen – Allen Ginsberg as Traveler (2019)

Another, Bob Rosenthal’s essential Straight Around Allen (2018)

and the equally illuminating The Poetry and Politics of Allen Ginsberg (2015)

and last, but no means least, Marc Olmsted‘s memoir, Don’t Hesitate – Knowing Allen Ginsberg (2014)

For a full list (and it’s well worth perusing) –  see here 

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