Stephen Bornstein who we’ve featured here recently (most recently on Neal Cassady and Ken Kesey) created an extraordinary thing back in the ‘Sixties – the scroll
“The scroll’s intention was to serve as a vehicle for the artist’s own enlightenment”
The actual original scroll in its entirety may be viewed here
Looking back in 2021, looking back on his life, Stephen created a kind of cyber-scroll – memories and images, “The Scroll and its Zeitgeist”. (from which we have been excerpting)
and, following a presentation in 2022, at Hamilton College, put on line further extensive archival resources (well worth perusing)
Bornstein’s lecture on that occasion, April 13, 2022, may be viewed in its entirety – & we strongly recommend it – here
And Bornstein these days? What’s he up to?
Stephen writes:
“I am a serious climate activist pushing a Hydrogen Oxygen fuel solution and writing an ebook on QiGong and the universe (Christian Goodwille has offered to print it at Hamilton when I finish it). I prefer ebooks. Instantly translatable into 88 languages and you can add or correct it infinitely.”
So.. Connecting the Dots