It’s the birthday today of Gregory Corso. He would be (impossible to conceive!) 93! (94 in 2024) We’re still astonished and inspired by the posthumous publication of his recently-released final volume, The Golden Dot (2022), the book that changes everything. William Lessard‘s interview with the editors Raymond Foye and George Scrivani for Jacket 2 is not to be missed – “Someone’s got to keep this generation honest”
Marc Olmsted’s recent piece for Beatdom – “On The Spot With The Golden Dot – The Spiritus of Gregory Corso” is also well worth reading.
Gregory’s New Directions books (each one carefully composed and crafted):
The Happy Birthday of Death (1960)
Long Live Man (1962)
Elegiac Feelings American (1970)
Herald of The Autochthonic Spirit (1981)
Not forgetting, of course, from City Lights,
Gasoline (1958)