Friday’s Weekly Round-Up – 580

Robert Frank, at Allen Ginsberg’s kitchen table, 437 East 12th Street, New York City,  November, 1994 – photo: Allen Ginsberg, courtesy Stanford University Libraries / Allen Ginsberg Estate

Remembering today our dear friend, Robert Frank, who passed away on this day, September 9, 2019

Previous postings on Robert Frank on The Allen Ginsberg Project – see here, here, here, here, here and here

Check out also Ethan Neville’s “Robert Frank and “The Stone of Kindness”

Robert Frank and Allen Ginsberg, together in Robert’s studio, 7 Bleecker Street, May 1985, New York City

We mentioned a few weeks back this monumental and essential publication (from Library of America) –  Gary Snyder’s Collected Poems 

Mention should also be made too of a companion volume – UnCollected Poems, Drafts, Fragments, and Translations (from Jack Shoemaker‘s Counterpoint Press)

The publishers note:

“Far from being a simple miscellany of poems, Uncollected Poems, Drafts, Fragments, and Translations contains some of Gary Snyder’s best work, written during his most productive and important years.
Many of these have been published in magazines or as broadsides… The collection also includes a great number of translations from Chinese and Japanese poets. Much of this work has been gleaned from journals, manuscripts and correspondence, and never before published in any form”

Here‘s a brief note from a pre-publication review in  Publishers Weekly – “a worthy addition to his established body of work”


Sterling Lord, legendary literary agent, notably Jack Kerouac’s agent for On The Road, (also an agent for Ken Kesey, Amiri Baraka and Lawrence Ferlinghetti, an unlikely emissary for Beat and counter-cultural writing, but an emissary nonetheless), died this past week in Florida, aged 102, on his birthday.
Here’s his obituary notice in The Guardian and here in the New York Times

Sterling Lord (1920-2020)

Gregory Corso’s  The Golden Dot – We posted about it extensively here.
Here‘s David S Wills’ review for Beatdom

Anne Waldman will be next month (October) in Spain.
Here she speaks on the Beats and women and women Beats and their abiding influence

Ted Berrigan‘s Get The Money! – Collected Prose comes out next Tuesday.  We’ve been eagerly looking forward to that. More (much more) about that next week

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