Friday’s Weekly Round-Up – 576

[William Blake’s grave (new gravestone unveiled, 2018)  photo by Elizabeth Potter]

William Blake and Jean-Michel Basquiat both passed on this day.

Here’s Steven Taylor talking earlier this year for The Blake Society  on Allen and William Blake  


Heartbreaking news from our friends Jerry and Estelle Cimino at San Francisco’s North Beach Beat Museum. All set to embark on a cross-country tour (beginning August 28) in their Beatmobile (Beat-Museum-on-Wheels) to celebrate the Kerouac Centennial, they were shocked to discover that their trailer, (an important part of the museum-experience, used to display exhibits and present books and Beat memorabilia) had been stolen! – only to discover further – some days later – that it had been abandoned and vandalized (crudely painted over).  The tour will continue (“the beat goes on”) but they’ve been significantly handicapped. Any support (money for gas and Fall institutional bookings) will be much appreciated. For more information and ways to contact them – see here


Simon Warner and his Substack Rock and The Beat Generation, we mentioned last week. If you haven’t already, check out his interview with John Cassady, the only son of Neal and Carolyn Cassadyhere

See earlier interviews with John Cassady here and here

Kerouac – We featured a few weeks back Valérie de Graffenried’s interview with Kerouac scholar and Beat enthusiast, Jean-François Duval in the Swiss journal  Le Temps.
We’ll also note (for our French-speaking readers) her five-part series, Sur les traces de Jack Kerouac, from Denver to LA, an auto-odyssey,  pour raconter l’Amérique d’aujourd’hui peu avant les élections de mi-mandat (to report on the state of America before November’s crucial mid-term elections)

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