Friday’s Weekly Round-Up – 566

Opening today, at the Dash Gallery in Kingston, New York , “Beats and Buddhas”, a joint show with photographs and drawings (“doodles”) by Allen and selected prints and original work by Gonkar Gyatso. (up until August 19 – if you’re anywhere in the vicinity, don’t miss it!



Dylan and The Beats – announcing a three-day symposium, June 3-5, starting next Friday, hosted by the University of Tulsa’s Institute for Bob Dylan Studies

The organizers explain:

“Each of the three days will have a different focus, starting first with a deep dive into the “raging beauty” of the Beats, which inspired Dylan’s own writing while reshaping our view of art, politics, religion, and sexuality.  The second day’s focus will shift to an exploration of road stories in American history, music, and art, with panels and keynotes that examine the Rolling Thunder Revue, the art of being on the road, and the way our experiences of the open road are shaped by race, gender, and sexuality.  On the final day, we’ll widen our focus to explore the broader contexts and legacies of the Beat movement both within and beyond Dylan’s music, looking at everything from obscenity trials and protest movements to blues, jazz, and rock.”

Friday’s events (on Allen’s birthday) will take place under the title “Rich with Possibility” and will feature keynote addresses by Douglas Brinkley, Regina Weinreich and Anne Waldman, as well as panels on On The Road, “Searching For A Vision”, and “The Black Beats” (for full details – see here) – Saturday’s are titled “Road Music” and include Holly George-Warren and Maria Damon on “Hard Travelin’ and Steve Earle with a keynote address/conversation (details on that may be found – here).  And the final day is”Legacies”, (Timothy Hampton of UC Berkeley give the keynote address)


Noting the passing this week of Peter Lamborn Wilson (Hakim Bey), pre-eminent anarchist theorist and author of the highly-influential TAZ manifesto (Temporay Autonomous Zone(s)) – “Chaos never died..” – See his essay on “Counterpoetics and Oppositional Action” – here – Other talks in Naropa Archives – here . Here’s Peter in conversation in last month’s Brooklyn Rail  – Here’s an earlier (2014) conversation with the ..Rail.

Remembering the poet and teacher (and Allen’s NYC upstairs neighbor) Larry Fagin, who died five years ago on this day. Here’s a previously-unpublished portrait of him taken by Allen

Larry Fagin (1937-2017)]  May 6, 1989, New York  – photo: Allen Ginsberg, courtesy Stanford University Libraries / Allen Ginsberg Estate

& ..starting this weekend in San Francisco – Generation: Beat! Celebrates the Art and Literary Genius of Lawrence Ferlinghetti


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