Robert Frank, his studio in old red-brick house on run-down Bleecker Street near Bowery, I’d asked him to take formal portrait for first Collected Poems 1947-1980 dust-jacket back. Though he’d stopped most still-camera work decades before, he ruminated, “Well, I guess it’s continuing a project we started long ago.” I upheld my six earlier City Lights Pocket Poets books bound together with elastic string, Peter stood behind me Robert’s Polaroid 195 gives big negative. Earlier Peter Orlovsky’d wandered silent in back of the floor with my Olympus XA, this is what he saw, Manhattan, January 1984 (caption – Allen Ginsberg) (Photo – Peter Orlovksy) – Courtesy Allen Ginsberg Estate / Stanford University
Robert Frank, born November 9, 1924, Zürich, Switzerland, oft lauded on this site.
Happy Birthday Robert, happy birthday in eternity!
Allen & Robert. Here’s the two of them:
Photo of Allen & Robert at the Noho Star Restaurant, down the block from Robert’s Bleecker Street studio, New York City, August, 1986. (Snapped by Peter Hale)