Friday’s Weekly Round-Up – 512

Gary Snyder, March 11, 1991, New York City – photo: Allen Ginsberg – courtesy Stanford University Libraries/Allen Ginsberg Estate

Gary Snyder‘s 91st birthday tomorrow. Here‘s our posting last year on the occasion of Gary’s 90th birthday

Here’s Sean Murphy on the Pulitzer Prize site (Gary won that prize in 1975)

Michael McClure, May 20. 1994, New York City – photo: Allen Ginsberg – courtesy Stanford University Libraries/Allen Ginsberg Estate

City Lights is hosting a Zoom “Michael McClure weekend” this weekend, Saturday and Sunday (both events are free, but it’s necessary to sign in). Saturday features editor Garrett Caples and Eileen Myles and Anne Waldman (sign in for that one here). Sunday will be a memorial tribute with readings and remembrances by friends and family including Russ Tamblyn, Margaret Randall, George Herms, Jerome Rothenberg, Paul Nelson, Andrew Schelling, Lyn Hejinian, and many more (sign in for that one here)

Have you picked up your copy of the Allen Ginsberg Fall of America tribute collection yet? – Just to remind you.  Here’s a taste – The Handsome Family‘s  interpretation of “Hiway Poesy Painted Desert to Albuquerque”

“..petrified forest/ Leslie Howard’s scratchy ’30s image/ … eating jurassic steak/Petroglyphs over there the Man in the Moon,/the guy with four fingers …/over there, this is the sun, with two spikes out the North,/two spikes South, two spikes ray East & West….?

“The feeling of driving through the desert at night really struck me. Memories going back to childhood, growing up in west TX.  Once I found the tempo of Allen’s voice, the timing just fell into place….”   (Brett Sparks)

Revisiting the Lucien Carr-David Kammerer episode  – (the basis for William Burroughs and Jack Kerouac‘s And The Hippos Were Boiled In Their Tanks and of  John Krokidas‘  Kill Your Darlings)


Belatedly announcing the passing of Maretta Greer. She passed away on March 28, in hospice care in Massachusetts at age 78, after a long and challenging life, from a non-treated cancer.   Here Maretta in happier days, with Allen and Gary at the legendary 1967 San Francisco Be-In

Allen Ginsberg, Maretta Greer and Gary Snyder at The Human Be-In, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco,  1967 – Photograph by Leo Holub

One comment

  1. I was at the Human Be-In then. It was between semesters in the college I went to back in the midwest, so it must’ve been in January or February. Sorry, I don’t remember Allen and Gary Snyder, but I remember Timothy Leary for sure: “Turn on, tune in, drop out.” By that time, everybody I knew who was gonna do it had already dropped acid. I didn’t like acid, but some guys I knew ate it like popcorn.

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