Time And Sound – (Marlene Dietrich – 1)

Marlene Dietrich (1901-1992) in Morocco (1930)

AG: So lets try another vocalizer. This is the incomparable Marlene Dietrich. These are songs done in Germany.  Let me see if I can (put) it forward to one particularly good one. These are songs recorded by Marlene Dietrich as part of movie music in German back in the ‘twenties

Student: (from  The Blue Angel?)

AG:  Huh?  – From The Blue Angel and other.   And from.. maybe some from some recordings? These tapes were prepared for me by a scholar of folk and anthropological music, Harry Smith, who prepared a number of albums for Folkways Records, including the three-volume American Folk Music (Anthology) [Editorial note – The Anthology of American Folk Music was re-issued by Smithsonian-Folkways in 1997) (the six-record three-box set, which you can get on Folkways, which came out in 1952 and influenced (Bob) Dylan, and the almanac singers, and all the folkies of the world, and actually was the basic anthology behind the world folk music revival from 1952 on, this special set of Folkways American music).  [to Students} – Does anybody knows that? – American song? {Student affirms] Where did you see it?, or hear it?  – Yeah…. Let’s see if I’ve got this properly (lined up)… [Allen continues to set-up the record-player] – I don’t know if this is (being)… – yes this is.. (it)..(coming to the end)… getting on to.. “Lola”?

Does anybody recognize that bit at the beginning  –“Chicago, Chicago!”… was (it) that?…ok.. [Allen returns to the record] – they’re very intelligent… (all of Dietrich’s songs)

to be continued

Audio for the above can be heard here, beginning at approximately twenty-nine minutes in and concluding at approximately thirty-five-and-a-half minutes in.     

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