Wendy Erdman

“Who’s gonna throw that minstrel boy a coin?” – Wendy Erdman, begins with a Bob Dylan song – from her rare eponymous 1970 album

Allen on classical Greek prosody (metrics). continues from last week

AG: …I have the analyses and examples from Greek.  Analyses of the variations within the possibilities.

Student: What are the vertical lines?

AG:  (They show)  breaking between the feet.  I didn’t mean to get so hung up on this for such a long time, but it got interesting.

We were going to go on to sing Songs of Experience”,  (beginning on page eighteen)

Oh, something funny.  I got this in the mail yesterday:  An advertisement for Songwriters’ Concert Series in Folk City, in New York City, 130 West 3rd Street, 3rd Street and 6th Avenue. Songwriters’ Concert Series, Wendy Erdman.  That’s (Blake scholar David) Erdman’s daughter.  Little Wendy Erdman is a folksinger.  That’s what happened to the second generation. Okay.

Wendy Erdman

to be continued

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