Friday’s Weekly Round-Up – 406

Patti Smith and Anne Waldman – “Keep The World Safe For Sentient Beings”

From Théophile Aries‘ provocative and highly-readable review of Burroughs and Ginsberg‘s  Don’t Hide The Madness  (for the European Beat Studies Network)

“…qu’un simple livre parvienne à faire revivre au lecteur l’excitation faussement lugubre des années 1990 et à redonner un peu d’élan et de joliesse à la mythologie Burroughsienne n’est pas la moindre des qualités de Don’t Hide The Madness.” –

 (The fact that a simple book manages to bring back some make-believe despair of the 90s and to give back the Burroughsian mythology some of its impetus and fascination is among the many qualities that make Don’t Hide The Madness a worthy read..”)

Read the entire Aries essay (in either French or English) – here

David Delegator’s WVXU (Cincinnati) audio review of the book may be listened to – here 

(Delegator’s WVXU review of  Bill Morgan’s The Typewriter is Holy, incidentally, may be listened to – here)

Anne Waldman is profiled in Italian Elle“Le grandi poetessa della Beat Generation”  (see also this profile of Joanne McClure and this (in the same series) of Joyce Johnson)

Bravo! to il SaggiatoreLorenzo Mazzoni notes three Beat-related books – Le migliori menti della mia generazione (Bill Morgan’s The Best Minds of My Generation, translated by Sarah Barberis and Leopold Carra), William Burroughs’ Interviews (Interviste), translated by Silvia Albesano and B. Allessandro D’Onofrio, and Barney Rosset‘s publisher’s memoir L’editore fuorilegge (also translated by Sarah Barberis). il Saggiatore. it should not be forgotten, are, of course, Allen’s long-time supporter and Italian publisher

Zack Kopp reports at length from Denver on the recent Neal Cassady Birthday Bash featuring David Amram, Jello Biafra and others – here

Hugo Ball was born on this day. Andy Warhol died on this day.

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