Today’s the anniversary of Robert Burns birth and tonight the annual supper and Burns Night – “The wan moon is sinking under the white wave and time is sinking with me. O!” (Allen included this line of Burns as the epigram for his farewell poem “Gone Gone Gone” (included in the collection, Death and Fame – Last Poems 1993-1997)
Gone gone gone – Jonas Mekas, at 96, earlier this week
from the Village Voice (“Movie Journal”, Feb 11, 1965): “Two months ago I met Allen Ginsberg in the street. “I am going to Harvard” he said. “There is only one thing to know,” I said, “You are going to the Establishment.” “I will give them something to think about,” said Allen. So Allen Ginsberg went to Harvard and sat there, naked, with Peter Orlovsky, also naked, and talked with the students and the Establishment, and the Establishment started to crack, and Harvard will never be the same. I am for the Establishment of man’s spirit – man’s spirit is always in avant garde. That’s the true meaning of avant garde.”
Happy to announce (courtesy of Jack Krick and Anselm Berrigan) a brand new author’s page on Anselm Hollo on the the EPC (Electronic Poetry Center). For more on the great and hopefully not-forgotten Anselm Hollo – see here and here.
Speaking of the EPC, congratulations to Charles Bernstein on his award, this week, of the prestigious 2019 Bollingen Prize
Soundscapes? Soundscapes – everyone’s familiar with Charlie Morrow? no?
Barney’s Wall – the new documentary on free-speech activist Barney Rosset opens in Santa Fe next month (February 14th). Here’s the trailer:
and the far reaches of the Ginsberg stretch – January 2019, there’s a theatrical performance of Howl in Casper, Wyoming.