Friday’s Weekly Round-Up – 397

Allen Ginsberg and Miguel Grinberg in Cuba 1965 – Photographer unknown – (c) Allen Ginsberg Estate

Read a section of Allen Ginsberg’s 1965 Cuban Journals on Literary Hub (from the recently-published  Iron Curtain Journals: January-May 1965)

“Allen Ginsberg and Arthur Russell in Suburbia” – read a section from Kevin Killian‘s memoir, Fascination here

Arthur Russell – photo by Allen Ginsberg  – photo: Allen Ginsberg, courtesy Stanford University Libraries / Allen Ginsberg Estate

Read Eduardo Bravo (in Spanish, in Spanish Vanity Fair) on Allen’s memorable December 1993 reading in Madrid


An “associational copy” – Robert Creeley’s A Form of Women, that he inscribed to Allen

Allen Ginsberg and Robert Creeley – photo via Black Mountain College Museum

More Steven Taylor on his Burroughs-Ginsberg transcript, Don’t Hide The Madness 

Allen Ginsberg and William Burroughs, Lawrence, KS, May 31, 1991. Photo probably snapped by James Grauerholz. (c.) Allen Ginsberg Estate

and the Beat Museum – an urgent notice from Jerry and Estelle Cimino at the Beat Museum

“There is construction underway already (in our San Francisco location), as our landlord solidifies both a new exterior and a concrete reinforcement to the very foundation of our building. The next step after that is a mandatory seismic retrofit, which will likely cause us to lose a substantial portion of our current square footage… Additionally, sometime in 2019 we will need to vacate for six months the building we’ve called home for the last twelve years, as the preliminary work is completed and construction on the seismic retrofit begins. To cover moving and storage costs, as well as lease a temporary space, we need to raise $50,000. Only then will be able to reopen at our current space once the seismic work is finished…”    Read more about Beat Museum plans and significant fund-raising concerns – here 

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