National Poetry Month in America this month. “April is the cruellest..” and all that. We’re very much of the opinion of noted poet Charles Bernstein.
`Beats and Buddhism. We mentioned David S Wills’ essay, “The Intersection of Buddhism and the Beat Generation”, a few weeks back, here’s another one, Michael Amudsen’s essay in Empty Mirror – “Jack Kerouac – Avatar of American Buddhism”
The Other Minds’ Sound Poetry festival runs next week (Monday April 9th to Saturday April 14th) in San Francisco at the ODC Theatre. The opening night festivities feature poets Anne Waldman, Clark Coolidge, Michael McClure and Aram Saroyan, doing sets that, according to the program notes, “range from asyntactical incantation of words with electronic music to variations on Buddhist chants and animal roars.” For more information – see here.
Chris Martin’s Anton Kern Gallery exhibition in New York closes this weekend. Martin cleverly embeds reproductions of Allen’s photos of alchemist-mage Harry Smith into the canvas – in film-strip hommage to Harry.
Speaking of films…
Fernanda Pivano is being celebrated (rightly so) in her home town, Milan, Italy next week (April 11-15) with multiple showings of Rossana De Michele. and Stefano Stenardi’s 2017 documentary, “Fernando Pivano, L’altra America” (Fernanda Pivano – The Other America) – more about that – here
oh and Bob Dylan sings a gay love song– Allen would be so pleased!