Jerry Aronson‘s definitive documentary DVD, The Life And Times of Allen Ginsberg, has been noted on this site several times before, but it’s a must-see, must-view, and, on the occasion of a refurbishing of Jerry’s web-site, bears repeating/revisiting.
Archivist, poet, Randy Roark, remembers Allen’s response – “He saw a working copy at one point and, after it was over, said, “So that’s who I am?”
Aronson himself recalls, “I showed Allen the finished film in 1992 when it was really done, and he had not watched much of it, and I was anxious, waiting for his response. When it was over he said, “So that’s Allen Ginsberg?” And I nervously said, “Well?”. He responded “OK”, thank goodness…..A year later I was invited to Thanksgiving at Eugene’ (his brother)’ s house in Long Island with the whole family. They had not seen the film, so Allen had me bring a copy. To them it was a home-movie, and they were laughing and talking about how cute they looked. Allen glanced at me and gave me the OK sign. That’s when I knew it was really finished”.
Upcoming this Fall – from Three Rooms Press – William Burroughs in Conversation with Allen Ginsberg – “Don’t Hide The Madness” – transcripts from a week-long’s conversations, in 1992, in Lawrence, Kansas. Here’s the suitably mesmeric R.Crumb cover.
Sad, sad, the news this week of the passing of the great Nicanor Parra – but at 103! – what a rich and extraordinary life! His international reputation, indisputable – Here‘s PEN International. Here‘s Chile’s El Ciudadano. Marcelo Simoneti notes the Beat connection briefly – here.
More Parra links (but only a smattering! ) – Question Digital in its memorial note quotes a number of his contemporaries, More memories/testamonials – here, “Irreverente, controvertido, casi inmortal…” is the EFE Agency line. Here‘s Irma Gallo’s Apuntes breves sobre Nicanor Parra (Brief notes about Nicanor Parra)
Violeta Parra (1917-1967) sings “Gracias a la vida”