Wavy Gravy (Hugh Romney) – Photograph by Allen Ginsberg – Ginsberg caption – “Wavy Gravy & his rubber nose, giant Seva Benefit organized by Ram Dass at Cathedral of Saint John the Divine, Manhattan November 26,1988, seven thousand soul attending, Wavy the M.C. for part of the evening, here in a side chapel south of the altar.” November 26, 1988″
We missed out on noting his eightieth but (not missing this one) Wavy Gravy (Hugh Romney), legendary counter-culture clown turns eighty-one today – [and now 88 – 2024!]
Here’s Dave Lawrence’s recent (2017) interview with Wavy on Hawaii Public Radio’s All Things Considered
Here’s Richard Whittaker’s 2010 interview
Here’s the trailer for the documentary that they made of him, 2009’s Saint Misbehavin’
Here’s Wavy Gravy reading his poem to Bill Graham
Here’s more on Wavy on wavy gravy.net
Happy Birthday, Wavy!
Hugh Romney, poet, in New York’s Greenwich Village in the ‘Fifties
Wavy Gravy & Allen Ginsberg – (Photographer unknown)