Friday’s Weekly Round-Up – 268

Allen Ginsberg in 1966 – Photograph by Charles Gatewood

The recent death of San Francisco photographer, Charles Gatewood a few weeks ago, passed by unannounced on this site, so to make amends. Charles not only photographed Allen, but a number of other Beat figures, notably William Burroughs and Brion Gysin (see below) (not to mention a vast array of alternative culture, underground culture, transgressive erotic culture).Photographer, videographer, demi-monde cultural anthropologist, his out-put was prolific – over 10,000 prints, 250,000 negatives and slides, and that’s not the whole of it. He takes you on a tour (from 2012) of his voluminous archives – here.

and speaking of photographers, we should mention Gordon Ball (still happily with us) His exhibit Ginsberg and Beat Fellows opened last week at Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia and will be up until July 13

Allen Ginsberg and Peter Orlovsky at 437 East 12th Street, New York City, June 1996 – Photograph by Gordon Ball

This coming Monday at the Vaclav Havel Library in Prague (as part of the Havel@80 celebrations) –“Allen Ginsberg as King and Pariah” – “Translator and Beat Generation aficionado Josef Rauvolf will discuss US poet Allen Ginsberg’s visit to spring-time Prague in 1965, which was significant both to the writer and to the local arts scene, his subsequent StB-managed deportation, and how both the poet and officialdom reflected on his Czech sojourn.”

More Rauvolf on Ginsberg (his review of Wait Till I’m Dead for Czech television) –here

Next Wednesday (the 18th) in New York, at the Rizzoli Bookstore, Allen’s long-time secretary, Bob Rosenthal, launches the re-publication of his bona-fide “cult classic” (poetry and house-cleaning, memoir and practical manual) – the literally-titled Cleaning Up New York .Over at Beatdom, David S Wills is compiling a map of Allen’s travels. The Howl! Happening – six-day celebration planned for New York next month around Allen’s birthday has begun announcing its schedule.More – much more – on that in the coming weeks here.

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