AG: Now what’s next?, oh I like that “Gentle Cock” that’s pretty funny. I think. I couldn’t believe it when I read it! – “I have a gentle cock,/ Croweth the day/He doth me risen early/My matins for to say./ I have a gentle cock,/Comen he is of great;/His comb is of red coral,/His tail is of jet./ I have a entle cock/Comen he is of kind..” – (“coming from”, “coming he is kind”) – His comb is of red coral,/His tail is of inde..” – (indigo) – “His legged be of azure,/So gentle and so small;/His spurres are of silver white/Into the wortewale….” (“wortewale” is what? – “up to the root” – “white, up to the root” – and he’s talking about genitals – that’s pretty funny!) – “His eyen are of crystal,/Locked all in amber;/And every night he percheth him/In my lady’s chamber” – (I couldn’t believe, when I got to the end, it was really that! – but he’s taken a dirty lyric and made it so ornamental and pretty that you couldn’t possibly..couldn’t possibly get upset about it.
[Audio for the above can be heard here,beginning at approximately fifty-four minutes in and concluding at approximately fifty-five-and-a-quarter minutes in]
He was a saucy Ol'Divil was Chaucer hahaha