Ginsberg in India

Jeet Thayil‘s radio documentary, Ginsberg in India, currently available here
provides the occasion for a brief review of that always-intriguing subject.

American poet, Bob Holman (along with producer-editor-director, Ram Devineni), a few years back, made a film-documentary, Ginsberg’s Karma  (2020 update – this has recently been refurbished, (with the help of a NEH grant) and is now readily available – see here)

Deborah Baker‘s authoritative book, A Blue Hand, we’ve already featured (along with notice of the remarkable symposium that took place at the Asia Society in New York, in 2011, following the publication of that book).

And, of course, there’s the primary source, Allen’s own published Indian Journals

The contribution of the Hungryalists (sic), curiously omitted from Baker’s survey, continues to be examined by the Sunflower Collective – (see here and here, for example)

(also, see their recent reprint of Deborah Baker’s memoir/article here)

We’d also draw your attention to two earlier postings from the voluminous Allen Ginsberg Project archives, regarding artist Francesco Clemente and Allen and Peter Orlovsky in India  –  here and here 

and then there’s our curiously popular SS Amra posting.


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