Warren Beatty & Madonna

Warren Beatty and Madonna at Francesco Clemente’s New Years Eve Party, 1990-1991 – Photograph by Allen Ginsberg – courtesy the Allen Ginsberg Photography Collection at the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library at the University of Toronto, Canada

Among the more unusual snaps (unusual subjects) in the Allen Ginsberg Photography Collection (now housed in the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library at the University of Toronto) are these ones of Madonna and Warren Beatty, taken in 1990-1991, on the occasion of Francesco Clemente’s New Years Eve party.

The greatest romance of the whole entire 1990’s”, gushed Amy Rose Spiegel on Buzzfeed, a couple of years back.

Out provides some of the more “juicy” snippets from Peter Biskind’s 2010 biography – Star: How Warren Beatty Seduced America – here

As recently as March of this year, on the Howard Stern radio show, Madonna looked back fondly on the relationship, and confessed, “Yes he was (an incredible lover), I’m not going to lie”.

The couple first met while co-starring in the filming of the comic-strip classic, Dick Tracy. The movie (directed by Beatty himself) had premiered only six months before these shots of Allen’s were taken (Madonna played “Breathless Mahoney”, Beatty played Tracy).

Madonna’s own 1991 documentary, Truth or Dare (In Bed With Madonna) also “captures” Beatty.

The chemistry unrehearsed.

Warren Beatty and Madonna at Francesco Clemente’s New Years Eve Party, 1990-1991 – Photograph by Allen Ginsberg – courtesy the Allen Ginsberg Photography Collection at the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library at the University of Toronto, Canada


  1. That picture is actually from 1989 going into 1990. That's when Madonna was dating Warren and that's when her hair was short and dark…she had long blond hair at the of 1990. Cool photos…thanks for sharing them!

  2. That was a wig. I was at the Clementes that night. Debbie M., Ann Magnusun, Futura, Ginsburg, Francesco and Alba( of course!) Cool night. I had a laugh with Allen Ginsburg and a blunt. Met Warren Beatty. The Cristal was flowing! Small group of friends only.

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