Mexico City Blues Readings

In 1996, Shambhala Publications (for their Shambhala Lion Editions) produced a two-cassette audiobook (that ran for just under three hours) – Allen reading the entire Mexico City Blues.

We’ve featured Allen reading from Mexico City Blues before (see this 1975 Naropa class –  and, as we mentioned there, by way of contrast, a later, 1988 Mexico City Blues class)
Here‘s the first ten sections from the Shambhala recording

Here’s Gregory Corso reading from Mexico City Blues

Johnny Depp reading from Mexico City Blues

Kerouac himself reading

and not forgetting this unforgettable Chorus – (211th Chorus – “The wheel of the quivering meat/ Conception”) 

So, a brief shout-out for that Shambhala audio. Hopefully it’ll be back, back in circulation  again real soon.



  1. found this cassette audiobook a couple weeks ago at a thrift store for $.49. not a big fan of poetry but i am a sucker for some Jack Kerouac.

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