Théâtre de Poche – (Allen Ginsberg on Stage Nudity)

Roger Domani founded the politically engaged Théâtre de Poche in Brussels (Belgium) in 1951. Allen was on hand in 1976 for the 25-year celebrationThéâtre de Poche had famously produced a stage adaptation of his Kaddish in 1967

Stage Nudity – The Living Theatre – Paradise Now, 1967

Allen is seen (and heard) here chanting – “AH” – and making the following declaration:

What seems strange and shocking perhaps in 1945 or (19)55 seems usable, workable now as, for instance, a few years ago, twenty years ago, we all had the dream of people naked on stage, or perhaps orgasm on stage. We haven’t seen orgasm here but we have seen people naked on stage acting love, and that was something that was unthinkable, perhaps, for the general public, or even for an artistic public, twenty years ago, so there’s’s perhaps taken several generations to do that but that’s one idea that finally comes out and emerges in public and becomes accepted and delightful to the public

Daniel Ratcliffe in Equus, 2007

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