The remarkable, wonderful, Joanne Kyger, turns eighty-years-old today! – Impossible to believe! – Happy Birthday, dear Joanne!
Don’t miss our previous links-rich Kyger-birthday-postings on the Allen Ginsberg Project here, here and here
Here’s Allen’s vintage (March 1962) photo – (his caption): “Joanne Kyger, hills leading to Himalayan Peaks, studying guidebook on wall in Amora, we were on Pilgrimage to Buddhist sites, here visiting Lama Govinda..”
Some recent video(s) – Joanne on her colorful West Coast history (as part of a panel at the recent (May 2014) Cascadia Poetry Festival) – here, starting approximately five-and-half minutes in)
her presentation at last month’s Richard Brautigan symposium at UC Berkeley, “I Watched The World…30 Years After Brautigan”
(Joanne’s contribution comes approximately forty-eight-and-three-quarter minutes in) –
“(I’m) reading from some prepared notes, briefly. If I don’t read from them, you just might find me with my jaw hanging open in the middle of a reminiscence!” – Also on the panel on this occasion, David Meltzer and Michael McClure.
A wonderful poet and pal. My own interview/tribute:
She's the best of the west and the rest and the quest!