A big big announcement today. It’s been a long-time in the making. Today sees the launch of our totally refurbished web-site – Allen Ginsberg dot org. Initially launched in 2002, that site, we’ll be the first to admit, was getting a little long-in-the-tooth. Twelve years is a long time (and an eternity if you’re talking about the internet!), so, for the past couple of years, assisted by dedicated web professionals and a wise cadre of devoted Ginsberg scholars, we’ve been revamping. Special thanks to Ghan Patel for the design & back end work, and hats off to Wyeth Stiles for the previous site. And the results? – Well, here it is. Let us know what you think. Obviously, work will continue to be done on the site, wrinkles to be ironed out, etc, but, as it says on the splash page, “have at it, folks!”
Thank you for such a treat. Joseph Hargraves
Is it just me, or are the links not working?
Really simple and easy to use. Nice change!
wow nice one thanks.