August 6, 2013 (Diane di Prima)

Diane Di Primas 79th birthday today. We draw your attention to our 2011 post – and Dale Smith’s piece in the L.A. Review of Books this past December – also to our post last August 6th announcing, Diane’s on-going health crisis.

Here’s an up-date (from fund-raising coordinator) Amber Tamblyn:

“If you are one of the many people who donated to the Diane di Prima Fundraiser last year. THANK YOU SO MUCH. We were able to raise over $10,000 for her relief which was incredibly helpful. It’s been a long and difficult road for Diane health-wise, in part because she seemed to have several different health problems going on at once, and now we finally know why. Diane has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, a degenerative disease that attacks the nervous system. Diane has expressed to me that opening

A new fundraiser here at GiveForward is the best way for her fans to help give back. [Editorial note – this link is no longer functioning] As she expressed to me in an e-mail, “I’m doing much better. Once I was actually diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, and treated for it, things calmed down..I am much stronger and I get around better. I could certainly use another fundraiser at this time, though. I am not working (teaching classes, or doing one-on-one tutorials) and I don’t think I will be in the foreseeable future. I would like to concentrate on my own writing and getting some books out that are long overdue””

“Please once again extend your extraordinary kindness to our favorite feminist national treasure, Diane di Prima”, Amber writes, “Spread the word, the love – and the dough!”.

We at the Allen Ginsberg Project a hundred and fifty percent support this.

Thinking of you. Birthday Greetings, Diane.

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