The DVD documentary – Jerry Aronson’s The Life and Times of Allen Ginsberg (2008) was re-released this week by Docudrama. What can we say? – If you still don’t have it, an essential item.
Michael Kammen’s essay on Jack Kerouac in the L.A. Review of Books, “Jack Kerouac’s Restless Odyssey and His New Life ‘On The Road‘”, (reviewing, among other things, Joyce Johnson’s recent biography), has had some tongues wagging.
Speaking of L.A, here‘s Elaine Woo’s obituary of Taylor Mead in the L.A.Times (more memories and obituary notices on Taylor can be found here, here and here).
Meanwhile, in Northern California, celebrating the life and work of the great Nanao Sakaki – Among those participating in last week’s reading/celebration – Gary Snyder, Joanne Kyger, and poet and publisher Gary Lawless
Ronald L Collins and David M Skover’s Beat analysis, Mania (noted here in March) gets a “professional review”, by Joseph Maldonado, in PsychCentral.
One of the great unsung geniuses – Sid Kaplan, Allen’s go-to printer for photographs, is profiled here.
Anybody hear how the Harry Smith seance went (in Portland, Oregon) yesterday evening?