Mexican heart-throb actor, producer, director Diego Luna brings, once again, his acclaimed rendition of Allen’s “Howl” to the stage, tomorrow night (Saturday the 24th) (along with musical accompaniment by Jaime Lopez) as part of the 2012 Festival Internacional de Teatro Puebla Héctor Azar (Héctor Azar International Theater Festival, in Puebla, Mexico). Here‘s an audio taste of it.
Tomorrow, in Hackney, London, at the Apiary Studios, is the UK launch of “the first ever bespoke Brion Gysin Dreamachine“. The night will include talk, films, music, and.. dreamachines! – Featured performers include Terry Wilson, Stewart Home, Ian MacFadyen, and others..
Two brief obituary notices (that you may have missed)
– maverick American poet Jack Gilbert
from Rita Signorelli Papas review/recognition in World Literature Today
“Although he once hung out in San Francisco with Allen Ginsberg (he is said to have helped Ginsberg write “Howl”) and has won some of the higher poetic accolades in the American poetry world, he essentially shuns fame and publicity, is affiliated with no university, and has spent much of his life living in seclusion here [in the U.S] or abroad. This relative isolation has been instrumental in shaping a poetic style of uncommon lucidity, a voice that speaks directly and with philosophical force.”
and Patrick Creagh, another maverick, Allen’s sometime translator. It was he who invited him to the Festival of Two Worlds in Spoleto in 1967, and he who’s (Italian) translation of “Who Be Kind To” (for Harry Fainlight) “was so faithful to the spirit of the original that Ginsberg was questioned by police for three hours, then arrested for obscenity”.