At the Vienna Kunsthalle – just recently-opened and up through the summer (till October 21st, in fact) – Cut-Ups, Cut Ins, Cut Outs – The Art of William S Burroughs.
and, more images from – and Ann Knickerbocker’s generous review/preview of – “The Painted Word” (the show currently up at San Francisco’s Meridian Gallery, that we mentioned here, in this space, just last week).
Here’s one of the Burroughs’ images from there:
The Ferlinghetti art show (also mentioned last week)Cross Pollination – The Art of Lawrence Ferlinghetti opens at the Sonoma Valley Museum tomorrow.
Here’s one of Ferlinghetti’s images (sans the headline – sic) – “I Am Not A Man” – (inspired by a photograph that had belonged to his brother, who’d been a prison-guard at Sing Sing for many years, and who had witnessed, first-hand, numerous disturbing state executions)
(Actor) John Malkovich gave a performance in Florence, Italy, this past weekend, Factory of Silence, which incorporated a reading of part of the Philip Glass setting of Wichita Vortex Sutra (the piano was played by Ksenia Kogan, Philip wasn’t in attendance).
Here’s a recently-posted interview with Paul McCartney (from 2008), in the charmingly-named “Stool Pigeon” (regettably no longer up)
Stool Pigeon: Where did you get the album title, “Electric Arguments”, from?
Paul McCartney: It came at random. I just delved into an Allen Ginsberg book and I saw the phrase
Stool Pigeon: And it seemed to work with what you were doing?
Paul McCartney; This is the interesting thing – how does an artist work? You don’t always work intellectually. You sometimes just look at the color or the look of words, and “electric arguments” fascinated me. I didn’t even think what it might mean. I just knew I liked those two words together (and) I knew it was Ginsberg, so I thought, “It’s got a good provenance, my dear” [McCartney laughs]
“The Poetry Project burns like a red hot coal in New York’s snow”, Allen once wrote. Their 38th (sic) extraordinary season (under the watchful care of Stacy Szymaszek) was recently completed. Meanwhile, the Project’s history (“Insane Podium“) has been deftly summarized by Miles Champion. Take a look.
& finally this – an extraordinary found-document (from PRX’s David Gerlach and Blank on Blank) – Allen Ginsberg visits Julian Beck, in 1984, on his sick-bed. Ever the documentarian, he brings along a tape-recorder -“making the private world public, that’s what the poet does”.