Memories of Allen, Ginsberg encounters – here’s Greg Tozian’s memories of 1983 (including his Tampa Tribune article). [2018 update – this link is no longer available]
Antler, Jeff Poniewaz, David Carter and Michael Schumacher will be gathering together to discuss Allen’s life and work at the annual Southeast Wisconsin Festival of Books tomorrow evening (July 16).
Here’s a bizarre thing – Allen’s “Howl” analyzed from a Jewish-Christian perspective!
From the “Comments” box in the EV Grieve (our favorite “local” (New York City) blog):
“Allen Ginsberg’s favorite restaurant is now a Starbucks [Starbucks coffee chain]. Is there a more painfully symbolic example of all that is wrong with the world in 2012”.
For more on that story, see here
– Grieve, indeed – homogenized urban gentrification.
Meanwhile on the West Coast..
Lawrence Ferlinghetti‘s art is about to be featured in a major exhibition at Sonoma Valley Museum of Art, opening on June 23rd, “Cross Pollination – The Art of Lawrence Ferlinghetti”.
His work is also included (currently) in the show, “The Painted Word” at San Francisco’s poet-friendly Meridian Gallery. Also included there are works by Michael McClure, William Burroughs, Kenneth Rexroth and Robert Duncan (amongst others). That exhibition has been extended from its original dates, through to July 14.
Paul Iorio has posted an illustrated Jack Kerouac walking tour of San Francisco (take a look)
Speaking of Kerouac, you can dress just like him, “Jack Kerouac fashion” (if you seriously wanted to!) – No comment.
I am the one who analyzed "Howl" from a "Jewish/Christian" Perspective. More accurately, I would say it is from a Christian perspective owing our due to Judaism. I am a Christian Pastor, but find great wisdom and truth in Jewish teachings. I am relatively new to Ginsberg and poetry in general. I was a musician before my pastoral life. I am by NO MEANS an expert, but Ginsberg captures so much that is timeless and relevant and does so in an artistic and (dare I say) musical way. Other's may not see his work as "religious," and maybe that's not the proper term, but it does speak to the human condition and is nothing short of genius. Let me also apologize for my shortcomings in my analysis because again, I am in no way a Ginsberg (or poetry) expert.