Friday’s Weekly Round-Up – 43

We’ve been serializing Allen’s NAROPA lectures of late (more, much more, to come) so the presence of this”practicum” is (as it always was) really useful. Daniel Nester on We Who Are About To has a version (“June 3 1992, revised March 29 1995”) posted here.
[2013 update – this link has, unfortunately, been taken down ( presumably for copyright reasons). We do hope to have a version of the practicum available on-line (again) sometime in the future]
And still on the topic of essential teaching tools – the Poetry Foundation recently spotlighted Steve Silberman’s “Celestial Homework – “Specialized Reading List For “Literary History of the Beat Generation”, a course taught by Allen Ginsberg at Naropa Institute during the summer of 1977″Armed with these two, you should be ready for more “A History of Poetry” coming next week.”In 1988..I happened to run into Allen Ginsberg in St Marks Bookshop in New York” (this is Philip Glass talking), “and (I) asked him if he would perform with me. We were in the poetry section, and he grabbed a book from the shelf and pointed out Wichita Vortex Sutra..”

That the St Marks is threatened and its fate currently hanging in the air was recently reported on here in the New York Times and here in Business News (sic). For more on this contact Joyce Ravitz of the Cooper Square Committee – “Save The Saint Mark’s Bookshop”

Speaking of bookstores, here’s an Israeli perspective on City Lights – Doron Rosenblum in/on “Mr. Ferlinghetti’s Bookstore

& Donnie Mather’s Kaddish continues its New York performances (oh yes, we told you about that)

One comment

  1. "The necessary and welcome economic growth within our Sangha, in the form of business operations and commercial and domestic investments, has brought along as a by—product an increasing frequency of disagreements and disputes. There is a need for our society to provide resources for the sane, nonagressive resolution of such conflicts in keeping with the principles of Dharma and the Great Eastern Sun. Accordingly I have decided to institute and appoint the Upaya Council. The function of the Upaya Council shall be to mediate and/or arbitrate commercial and domestic disputes among members of the Vajradhatu community, as individuals, groups, or businesses. It shall be the initial task of the Upaya Council to propose to me and my Privy Council a set of guidelines under which it shall operate. There shall be no internal hierarchy within the Upaya Council and each member shall have an equal voice; the findings of the Council shall be arrived at by unanimous consent."

    ~ Vajracarya the Venerable Chogyam Trungpa, Rinpoche, Spring, 1979.

    Upaya Council

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