John Healy’s film on Gary Snyder & Jim Harrison, The Practice of the Wild has been popping up at festivals here and there, but hasn’t had a proper release till now, starting November 11 at the Jacob Burns Film Center in Pleasantville, NY and then in New York City’s Quad Cinemas on November 12. Check the film’s Facebook page for possible screenings in your area.
While we’re on Snyder, this seems a good time to repost,”Walking Mount Tam“, the Steve Heilig’s Counterpunch interview with him that was done around the publication of Snyder & Tom Killion‘s Tamalpais Walking book last year.
“Mount Tamalpais is Marin’s Mount Everest. Although only 2,574 feet high at the summit, it dominates the county; to get to or from West Marin from almost anywhere else, you have to go over or around it. Much has been written about “Tam” and countless photographs taken and published featuring its image. However, what may prove to be the ultimate book about Tam does not feature a single photograph. Tamalpais Walking: Poetry, History, and Prints, published by visionary Berkeley publisher Heyday Books, is a labor of love by West Marin artist Tom Killion and the poet Gary Snyder…
See the rest of the introduction and Steve Helig’s interview – here