A fantastic review of Eric Drooker’s Howl – A Graphic Novel in today’s PopMatters“, Sarah Boslaugh‘s “Howl – A Graphic Novel” Wails Brilliantly into the 21st Century”
“Eric Drooker first met Allen Ginsberg in 1988 during the Tompkins Square Park Riots on Manhattan’s Lower East Side. It was one of many skirmishes New York City would experience in the ‘80s, between the forces of gentrification and those who refused to give up territory they felt was rightfully theirs. The sympathies of both Drooker and Ginsberg were with the riffraff—the squatters, homeless, artists and other troublemakers whom the police were trying to evict from the area—and when they met again a year later the two discovered they had common artistic tastes, as well…”