Here’s David Edelstein in New York magazine
“Since the Sundance opening of James Franco’s take on Allen Ginsberg in Howl, I’d heard the movie was howlingly bad — which makes me think that some of the best critical minds of my generation have been destroyed by cynicism. The film, directed by Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman, is an exhilarating tribute from one form (cinema) to another (poetry)…
Edelstein goes on.. Read the entire review – here
& while you’re at New York magazine, check out Franco’s list of favorite poems – here
And then there’s James Franco in the October (next month’s) issue of The Advocate.
(a few more day’s of Howl press and we’ll stop, we promise. We realize it’s been a bit non-stop, but this kinda film only comes around once in a life time we figure, so why not lay it on thick!)
Benoit Denizet-Lewis’ review and article ( how we wish people wouldn’t keep using that corny “Beat Goes On” title!)
Here’s an illuminating behind-the-scenes glimpse of Franco during the Advocate interview, a You Tube clip, with Franco talking about the process of learning his Ginsberg role.
Meanwhile, over at LA Times , another review for you to consider, Carolyn Kellogg gives the movie some pretty good props