The reviews have been flooding in since Howl’s premiere last Thursday at Sundance. For better or for worse, the information-age allows for instant reviews, virtually posted, minutes after the house-lights come up. Variety‘s Todd McCarthy probably one of the the first, praises it with an incredibly lukewarm touch, but we here at Ginzy Central seem to think Filmjunk have pretty well nailed it, line for line, both for the film and for answering the critics. They saw the same film we did, (we think!). Heartening too is Betsy Sharkey’s LA Times review, published on Saturday, which ends: ““Howl” is not easy, and not commercial, but is it necessary? Absolutely. It is a tiny tributary of a movie, far from those churning mainstream waters, and quintessentially so, which seems exactly the creative stream that Sundance in its 26th year is supposed to be fording.”’s Laremy Legel sees it as “a pursuit of honesty through poetic excellence,” and seems to really get the writing angle more than a number of the others. And, last but not least, MTV’s blog, though short and sweet, adds a nice helping of euphoria.
We’re still sifting through these as they come through, and, soon as the dust settles, should have a few more up for you to peruse for your amusement.
Here are a couple of You Tube clips meanwhile: